The City & Spire Journal is an ongoing report on one person’s search for an urban spirituality. It includes stories, reflections, and notes for those who see their spiritual life as indelibly joined to their life as a city dweller.
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Perspectives on the City
Engaging the City
Why A Public Square Matters
This article is the second in a series of reflections on the role of public spaces as places of meeting and civic identity.
The Anatomy of a Public Square
This article is the first in a series of reflections on the role of public spaces as places of meeting and civic identity.
Arrested by Art
That’s what happened as I entered a room filled with images created over 80 years ago by muralist and painter Thomas Hart Benton (1889-1975).
Living Liturgically
It may seem an odd way to begin this new series of reflections and annotations on the journey of faith and the life of cities, but let me start where I ended the last chapter of my life.