Spiritual Life Mapping

Spiritual Life Mapping is an approach to discernment that grows out of the conviction that our outward journeys can also be seen as inward journeys.

The places we visit on our outward journey through life can become etched in our minds as markers or reminders of our inner spiritual journey by evoking memories of singular experiences that happened in these places where a surplus of meaning ushered us into that dimension or realm we call the spiritual.

This surplus of meaning can take many forms: it can be a sense of wonder, a glimpse into what can be described as the holy mystery of life and God’s creation, an awakening to a deep love that is self-giving and non-possessive, an experience of being called or converted.

Spiritual Life Mapping begins with an honest examination into the deeper dimensions of life.  Through the act of mapping, what will come out of that inward gaze will be a visual display of a portion of our spiritual life story. 

I have found that in Spiritual Life Mapping one’s life story can be claimed in a new and visually arresting way. Perhaps we can then see how this life story of ours can become a gift to others. 

City & Spire currently offers Spiritual Life Mapping as an in-person or online workshop.

Spiritual Life Mapping will also be available as an online workbook. A beta test version of the Spiritual Life Mapping Workbook is available.