Life Mapping Workbook
Life Mapping Workbook—A Resource for Spiritual Discernment and Action
The Life Mapping workbook is a creative approach to discernment that integrates mind, body and spirit. In this Life Mapping workbook you will construct mental maps to document your spiritual geography and to explore times of heightened spiritual awareness and the places where these experiences have occurred. By tracing the sequence of these spiritually significant places you may be able to discern more clearly your spiritual path and some of the actions you may want to take now and in the future.
The Life Mapping Workbook is designed for anyone interested in exploring their spiritual journey. While the workbook was developed by an Episcopal priest and draws broadly upon the spiritual resources of the Christian tradition, if you walk on another spiritual path you still may find something in the Life Mapping Workbook that can be adapted to your particular situation. The workbook takes you into your own spiritual and life story by the creation of personal maps that represent your spiritual geography and pathways.
The Life Mapping workbook is divided into four working sessions or modules.
Module One – Introduction to Life Mapping: A Journey of Promise
What is a lifetime? What is spirituality? How does the concept of place help us understand our lives? What is a mental map?
Module Two – Spiritual Geography: A Journey of Discovery
How might we look at our lives in layers? What are the dimensions of our existence?
Module Three – Map Reading: A Journey of Transformation
How can we make sense out of the spiritually significant places and transformational experiences of our lives?
Module Four – Spiritual Cartography: A Journey into the Unknown
How do we go from maps to itineraries? What does it mean to be on a spiritual path? Where am I now going on my spiritual journey